Joshua Costea and Randi Hall in Two Night Stand, one of eight short plays. Photo by Leighza Walker.
The setup:
Big Head Productions solicited short plays set in a seedy motel room, and presents the eight selections in an evening filled with considerable variety, a range of talent, and some powerful comedic and dramatic moments.
The execution:
The set has the requisite bed, a small table and chairs, an appropriate entrance, and an exit to the unseen offstage bathroom, serving well all eight plays. The opening play, Two Night Stand by Ron Burch, contains both humor and the nuanced subtleties of a not-yet-formed relationship, as first a young woman (Randi Hall), then the man (Joshua Costea) awaken after a night of coupling. She seeks to flee, and he seeks to persuade her to remain a bit longer, and clear characterizations emerge in their believable dialogue. The acting is excellent, and the direction by Ricky Welch strikes just the right note of urgency, need and anxiety.
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