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Santa the Clause

Santa crashes the “Awesome Toys” Company Party to demand his cut of the toy profit. [10 Minute]

Samuel Beckett drives Andre the Giant to School

Samuel Beckett drives Andre the Giant to School. Really. [10 Minute]

Romeo and Jules

When Romeo goes to the wrong balcony, it’s a whole different “star-crossed” lovers. [10 Minute]

Rebecca’s Broken Less than Sign Number Three

A broken heart can quickly be mended, even in cyberspace. [10 Minute]

The Possethsion

When their daughter gets possessed by a demon, two parents try to figure out which is the worse evil — the demon or their teen daughter. [10 Minute]

Polly Amorous

When Robert shows up on a blind date to meet Polly, little does he know that the date includes Mick, her boyfriend. [10 Minute]


When Maureen visits her friend John because, post-divorce, he’s finally met someone he’s fallen in love with, she’s surprised that it turns out to be a parrot. Or is it? [10 Minute]

Operation Midnight Climax

Based on a true story, a man visiting a brothel becomes part of the CIA’s Cold War mind-altering experiments. [10 Minute]

The Origin Story of Lewis Hackett

Three office workers devise the story of how co-worker Lewis got the promotion. [10 Minute]

Noir for Breakfast

Sam’s breakfast seems to be going noir right in front of his eyes. [10 Minute]